Coin Guard Merchandise is a side mission of the game Greedfall, falling under the category of Before the Departure.

Coin Guard Merchandise Guide

Negotiate with the vendor

Coin Guard Merchandise

Once you get close enough to said vendor, Kurt will mention the merchant. Speak to him (the merchant, not Kurt) and choose both options presented to you.

After that, you’ll get prompted with another set of options. This one relies heavily on what you’ve chosen for your character at the start of the game.

  1. [Charisma] Threaten a prison sentence (Coin Guard Reputation: +1)
  2. [Intuition] Offer a bribe (Coin Guard Reputation: +1)
  3. Threaten him
  4. Leave

If you happen to choose option 3, you’ll unlock a specific area in Serene that features more enemies to kill, at the loss of reputation. On top of that, if the other options don’t work, you’ll need to choose this one.

Inform the Coin Guard Barracks quartermaster in Serene

There are two paths to take–one initiates combat with a group of enemies (unless you already fought them on the way over), while another does not.

Coin Guard Merchandise

The quartermaster sits at his desk in the barracks

Find a way to move the cargo to Teer Fradee

You’re going to want to talk to the Naut captain of the ship you’ll be traveling on.

After hearing his speech, there’s quite a bit of dialogue to choose from. It’s all for a variety of quests, but you’ll want to choose: Ask for help on the merchandize.

Tamper with the ship’s log in the Harbour Master’s Office

Of course the captain’s not going to help you outright. Instead, you’ll need to do some tampering. Lucky for us, the warehouse is not far at all.

If you’re wearing the “torso” equipment with the emblem of black background or blue, you’ll easily waltz right into the warehouse. If not, you’ll also be able to create a laced drink. If that’s still not viable, you may have to try your hand at sneaking, or battle.

Coin Guard Merchandise

There are three people in the building. I was able to sneak in and assassinate two of the guards before obtaining the correct Naut torso. The ship manifest is on the second floor, in a…bedroom on a desk.

Interact with it twice (if I’m not mistaken).

If you do get into combat, it’s a Nauts Reputation: -1

Clear out the warehouse guards

You only need to exit the warehouse and approach the guard near the second building for a cutscene. If you’re got the right attire on (I think you should at this point), you’ll be good to go.

Prepare a drink laced with sleeping pills

It’s a bit of a run, but head back to the crafting bench. I’m actually not even sure if that’s what it’s called, but you get the point.

This is where you’ll do all your craftwork–be it potions or equipment. If you don’t have the Science talent, you won’t be able to complete this step. If you have the Science talent, you’ll still need the ingredients.

Don’t fret, this step is purely optional.

Inform the porters

Coin Guard Merchandise

Approach the porters. Get through the cutscene. You’re done with them.

Talk to the Coin Guard barracks quartermaster in New Serene

You won’t be able to complete this step if you haven’t finished finding your cousin and set sail, so if that still needs to get done, hop to it!

Speak with the quartermaster when you reach New Serene and he’ll tell you the shipped goods are now in another warehouse. To make matters worse, the forged documents aren’t going to fool the people around here, and most of the workers can’t read.

That means you have to get into the warehouses, find the goods, and mark them.

Locate and mark the merchandise crates

As before, use the proper tunic to match the faction, otherwise there will be some fighting.

Coin Guard Merchandise

Aside from that, the crates were in Warehouse A for me. I’m not sure if they’re random spawn, however, so be mindful of that. You’ll need to interact with the crates twice.

Inform the Coin Guard Barracks quartermaster in New Serene

You’ve officially completed Coin Guard Merchandise.

Speak to Quartermaster Manfred. (Coin Guard Reputation: +1 and 100 coins)

You’ll receive the side mission The Man with the Silver Coin.